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The chalk.utils module is meant to provide various utility-oriented functionalities.

# method-1
from chalk import utils as U

# method-2
import chalk.utils

# method-3
from chalk.utils import <some_function>


Creates a pair of sample diagrams (a circle and a square).


Name Type Description
Diagram Tuple[Diagram, Diagram]

Returns a sample diagram.

Source code in chalk/
def create_double_diagrams() -> Tuple[Diagram, Diagram]:
    """Creates a pair of sample diagrams (a circle and a square).

        Diagram: Returns a sample diagram.
    a, b = create_sample_diagram(option="a,b")  # type: ignore

    return (a, b)


Creates a sample diagram.


Name Type Description Default
option Optional[str]

A string denoting what kind of sample diagram(s) to return. ๐Ÿ’ก Defaults to "a|b".


Choose option from for the following.

Click to expand
Option Meaning Output
"a+b" a.atop(b) Single Diagram
"b+a" b.atop(a) Single Diagram
"a|b" a.beside(b) Single Diagram
"b|a" b.beside(a) Single Diagram
"a/b" a.above(b) Single Diagram
"b/a" b.above(a) Single Diagram
"a//b" a.above2(b) Single Diagram
"b//a" b.above2(a) Single Diagram
"a,b" (a, b) Two Diagrams


Name Type Description
Diagram Union[Diagram, Tuple[Diagram, Diagram]]

Returns a sample diagram.

from chalk.utils import create_sample_diagram

# create a diagram composed of two diagrams: a|b
d = create_sample_diagram(option="a|b")

# create a diagram composed of two diagrams: b|a
d = create_sample_diagram(option="b|a")

# create a diagram composed of two diagrams: a+b
d = create_sample_diagram(option="a+b")

# create a diagram composed of two diagrams: a/b
d = create_sample_diagram(option="a/b")

# create a diagram composed of two diagrams: a//b
d = create_sample_diagram(option="a//b")

# create two diagrams: (a,b)
a, b = create_sample_diagram(option="a,b")
Source code in chalk/
def create_sample_diagram(
    option: Optional[str] = "a|b",
) -> Union[Diagram, Tuple[Diagram, Diagram]]:
    """Creates a sample diagram.

        option (Optional[str], optional): A string denoting what
            kind of sample diagram(s) to return.
            ๐Ÿ’ก Defaults to ``"a|b"``.

    Choose ``option`` from for the following.

    Click to expand:

        |   Option    |      Meaning      |     Output      |
        | ``"a+b"``   | ``a.atop(b)``     | Single Diagram  |
        | ``"b+a"``   | ``b.atop(a)``     | Single Diagram  |
        | ``"a|b"``   | ``a.beside(b)``   | Single Diagram  |
        | ``"b|a"``   | ``b.beside(a)``   | Single Diagram  |
        | ``"a/b"``   | ``a.above(b)``    | Single Diagram  |
        | ``"b/a"``   | ``b.above(a)``    | Single Diagram  |
        | ``"a//b"``  | ``a.above2(b)``   | Single Diagram  |
        | ``"b//a"``  | ``b.above2(a)``   | Single Diagram  |
        | ``"a,b"``   | ``(a, b)``        | Two Diagrams    |

        Diagram: Returns a sample diagram.


        from chalk.utils import create_sample_diagram

        # create a diagram composed of two diagrams: a|b
        d = create_sample_diagram(option="a|b")

        # create a diagram composed of two diagrams: b|a
        d = create_sample_diagram(option="b|a")

        # create a diagram composed of two diagrams: a+b
        d = create_sample_diagram(option="a+b")

        # create a diagram composed of two diagrams: a/b
        d = create_sample_diagram(option="a/b")

        # create a diagram composed of two diagrams: a//b
        d = create_sample_diagram(option="a//b")

        # create two diagrams: (a,b)
        a, b = create_sample_diagram(option="a,b")
    from chalk import circle, square

    papaya = Color("#ff9700")
    blue = Color("#005FDB")
    a = circle(0.5).fill_color(papaya)
    b = square(1).fill_color(blue)

    if option is None:
        d = a | b  # a|b
        option = "".join(option.split())
        # handle specific cases
        if option == "a+b":
            d = a + b  # a.atop(b)
        if option == "b+a":
            d = b + a  # b.atop(a)
        elif option == "a|b":
            d = a | b  # a.beside(b)
        elif option == "a|b":
            d = b | a  # b.beside(a)
        elif option == "a/b":
            d = a / b  # a.above(b)
        elif option == "b/a":
            d = b / a  # b.above(a)
        elif option == "a//b":
            d = a // b  # a.above2(b)
        elif option == "b//a":
            d = b // a  # b.above2(a)
        elif option == "a,b":
            d = (a, b)  # type: ignore
        elif option == "b,a":
            d = (b, a)  # type: ignore
    return d  # type: ignore

imgen(d, temporary=True, dirpath='examples/output', prefix='trial_', suffix='_image.png', height=64, wait=5, verbose=True)

Render a chalk diagram and visualize.


Name Type Description Default
d Diagram

A chalk diagram object (chalk.Diagram).

temporary bool

Whether to use a temporary file or not. Defaults to True.

dirpath Optional[str]

Directory to save the temporary file in. If does not exist, creates a temporary directory and destroys it afterwards. Defaults to "examples/output".

prefix str

Prefix for the generated image file. Defaults to "trial_".

suffix str

Suffix for the generated image file. Defaults to "_image.png".

height int

Height of the diagram, rendered as an image. Defaults to 64.

wait int

The time (in seconds) to wait until destroying the temporary image file. Defaults to 5.

verbose bool

Set verbosity. Defaults to True.



Type Description

For non temporary file (temporary=False), raises an error, as it has not been implemented yet.

from colour import Color
from chalk import circle
from chalk.utils import imgen

papaya = Color("#ff9700")
d = circle(0.5).fill_color(papaya)

# Minimal example
imgen(d, temporary=True)

# Temporary file is created in current directory
imgen(d, temporary=True, dirpath=None)

# Folder path must exist; otherwise temporary folder is used
imgen(d, temporary=True, dirpath="examples/output")

# Display and delete the temporary file after 10 seconds
imgen(d, temporary=True, wait=10)
Source code in chalk/
def imgen(
    d: Diagram,
    temporary: bool = True,
    dirpath: Optional[str] = "examples/output",
    prefix: str = "trial_",
    suffix: str = "_image.png",
    height: int = 64,
    wait: int = 5,
    verbose: bool = True,
) -> None:
    """Render a ``chalk`` diagram and visualize.

        d (Diagram): A chalk diagram object (``chalk.Diagram``).
        temporary (bool, optional): Whether to use a temporary file or not.
                Defaults to True.
        dirpath (Optional[str], optional): Directory to save the temporary
                file in. If does not exist, creates a temporary directory
                and destroys it afterwards. Defaults to "examples/output".
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix for the generated image file.
                Defaults to "trial_".
        suffix (str, optional): Suffix for the generated image file.
                Defaults to "_image.png".
        height (int, optional): Height of the diagram, rendered as an image.
                Defaults to 64.
        wait (int, optional): The time (in seconds) to wait until destroying
                the temporary image file. Defaults to 5.
        verbose (bool): Set verbosity. Defaults to True.

        NotImplementedError: For non temporary file (``temporary=False``),
                             raises an error, as it has not been
                             implemented yet.


        from colour import Color
        from chalk import circle
        from chalk.utils import imgen

        papaya = Color("#ff9700")
        d = circle(0.5).fill_color(papaya)

        # Minimal example
        imgen(d, temporary=True)

        # Temporary file is created in current directory
        imgen(d, temporary=True, dirpath=None)

        # Folder path must exist; otherwise temporary folder is used
        imgen(d, temporary=True, dirpath="examples/output")

        # Display and delete the temporary file after 10 seconds
        imgen(d, temporary=True, wait=10)
    make_tempdir = False
    dp = None
    if temporary:
        if (dirpath is not None) and (not os.path.isdir(dirpath)):
            make_tempdir = True
            dp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
                dir=".", prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix
            dirpath =
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
            dir=dirpath, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix
        ) as fp:
            if verbose:
                    f" โœ… 1. Created temporary file: \n\t\t{os.path.relpath(}"  # noqa: E501
                )  # noqa: E501
            d.render(, height=height)  # type: ignore
            if verbose:
                prnt_success(" โœ… 2. Saved rendered image to temporary file.")
            if verbose:
                prnt_success(" โœ… 3. Displaying image from temporary file.")

        if verbose:
            prnt_success(" โœ… 4. Removed temporary image file!")

        if make_tempdir and dp:
            # Cleanup temporary directory
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Only temporary file creation + load + display is supported."

quick_probe(d=None, dirpath=None, verbose=True, **kwargs)

Render diagram and generate an image tempfile (.png)

This utility is made to quickly create a sample diagram and display it, without saving any permanent image file on disk. If a diagram is not provided, a sample diagram is generated. If a diagram is provided, it is displayed.


Name Type Description Default
d Optional[Diagram]

A chalk diagram object (chalk.Diagram). Defaults to None.

dirpath Optional[str]

Directory to save the temporary file in. For example, you could use "examples/output" with respect to the location of running a script. Defaults to None.

verbose bool

Set verbosity. Defaults to True.

**kwargs Any

See the keyword arguments of imgen().

from chalk.utils import quick_probe
quick_probe(verbose=True, wait=2)
Source code in chalk/
def quick_probe(
    d: Optional[Diagram] = None,
    dirpath: Optional[str] = None,
    verbose: bool = True,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    """Render diagram and generate an image tempfile (``.png``)

    This utility is made to quickly create a sample diagram and display it,
    without saving any permanent image file on disk. If a diagram is not
    provided, a sample diagram is generated. If a diagram is provided, it
    is displayed.

        d (Optional[Diagram], optional): A chalk diagram object
                (``chalk.Diagram``). Defaults to None.
        dirpath (Optional[str], optional): Directory to save the temporary
                file in. For example, you could use "examples/output" with
                respect to the location of running a script.
                Defaults to None.
        verbose (bool, optional): Set verbosity. Defaults to True.
        **kwargs (Any, optional): See the keyword arguments of


        from chalk.utils import quick_probe
        quick_probe(verbose=True, wait=2)
    # if verbose:
    #     prnt_warning(f"{chalk.__name__} version: v{chalk.__version__}")
    if d is None:
        d = create_sample_diagram()  # type: ignore
    if dirpath is None:
        dirpath = os.path.join(_HERE, "../examples/output")
    # render diagram and generate an image tempfile (.png)
    imgen(d, dirpath=dirpath, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)


Show image from filepath.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str

Filepath of the image. example: "examples/output/intro-01-a.png"

from chalk.utils import show
Source code in chalk/
def show(filepath: str) -> None:
    """Show image from filepath.

        filepath (str): Filepath of the image.
                        example: "examples/output/intro-01-a.png"


        from chalk.utils import show

Last update: 2022-08-17
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