Big Ben¶
A literate notebook by Sasha Rush
Big Ben is the most iconic clock face in the world.
In this notebook, we are going to replicate the design of the clockface from first principles using the Chalk library. This project was done for fun without any knowledge of clockmaking or even the right terminology. It is meant mainly as an introduction programmatic 2D diagramming.
Here is what it will look like when we are done.
Preliminary: Roman Numerals¶
from chalk import *
from colour import Color
The whole diagram a simple color pallet of gold black and a bit of grey.
gold = Color("#E7D49C")
white = Color("#CCCCCC")
black = Color("black")
grey = Color("#444444")
To begin, we will introduce some of the concepts of the Chalk library by mimicking the shape of the roman numberal I, V, and X.
Chalk uses basic shapes to build up compositional diagrams. For instance here is a filled rectangle.
column = rectangle(1, 4).fill_color(black)
Each diagram has style properties and an "envelope" that describes its boundaries. Envelopes are a bit complex, they roughly are the the bounding box of the diagram.
Next lets make a diamond with an inlay. To do this we use +
to put a grey box on a black box.
diamond = rectangle(1, 1).fill_color(black) + rectangle(0.5, 0.5).fill_color(grey)
The benefit of the envelope representation is that it behaves more intuitively under affine transformations like rotation.
diamond = diamond.rotate_by(1 / 8)
We can easily combine diagrams. To see what a combination will look like we can use the show_beside
method. You give it a vector along which to combine.
column.show_beside(diamond, -unit_y)
We can also update the envelope of diagrams before combination. For instance here we substitute a small envelope for overlap.
column = column.with_envelope(rectangle(1, 2.5))
column.show_beside(diamond, -unit_y)
When stacking on top we can use the shortcut /
. The function center_xy
resets the center to the middle of the envelope.
i = ((column / diamond).beside(diamond, -unit_y)).center_xy()
i = i + rectangle(0.01, 4).line_color(grey)
We can also put diagrams next to each other using the |
ii = i | i
We can similar create diagrams for the other roman numerals. The align
functions also re-center diagrams.
v = rectangle(1.5, 1).fill_color(black).align_bl() + i.align_b()
Changing the center allows us to use +
which joins diagrams together at the origin.
v = (v.align_br() + i.align_b()).center_xy()
Creating X is a bit harder. We use two transformations to help us out. Using translate
helps us nudge diagrams away from the origin.
ddiamond = (diamond | diamond).translate(-0.5, 0)
Using shear
lets us create a center line with a diagonal slash.
mid = (
rectangle(2, 0.5).fill_color(black) + rectangle(1.5, 0.1).fill_color(grey)
# We can then combine these complex diagrams together.
column = column
x = ((column / ddiamond) + mid).beside(ddiamond, -unit_y).center_xy()
Compositionality is fun. We can take these shapes and make numbers from 1-12.
numbers = [
x | i | i,
i | i,
i | i | i,
i | v,
v | i,
v | i | i,
v | i | i | i,
i | x,
x | i,
We can draw the main clock-face by moving each number to the edge, and then rotating it to its location. The concat
combinator glues each of these together at the origin.
part0 = concat(
n.center_xy().scale(0.05).translate_by(-unit_y).rotate_by(-i / 12)
for i, n in enumerate(numbers)
Inner Pattern¶
This inner patten is a bit more complex. We are going to need more than just simple shapes to draw it.
To start, let us make a function for rotational symmetry.
def rot_cycle(d: Diagram, times: int) -> Diagram:
"Rotate diagram around a circle."
return concat(d.rotate_by(i / times) for i in range(times))
To try it out, we make the inner pattern by making a circle and rotating it around 12 times.
width = -4.4
inner_circle = rot_cycle(circle(1.1).translate(0, width), 12).rotate_by(
(1 / 12) / 2
) + circle(3).fill_color(black)
Now we want to trace a trail that looks like the inner patttern. There is no magic here, just a little geometry to guess the shapes. Vectors unit_y
and unit_x
are geometric helpers.
u45 = unit_x.rotate(-45)
u60 = unit_x.rotate(60)
diffy = abs(u45.y / u60.y)
diffx = diffy * abs(u60.x / u45.x)
A Trail
is a sequence of vectors drawn in order. Once you are done drawing one you can use stroke
to make it a diagram. We start at the top left and draw downward.
fudge = 0.73
y = (
diffy * u60,
-diffy * u60,
-fudge * u60,
fudge * u60,
diffx * u45,
diffx * unit_y,
To draw the curve we use arc_between
which connects two points with a specified radius.
curve = 0.5
under_arc = arc_between(-unit_x, 2 * -unit_y, curve).align_tr()
We then combine them to the right scale.
pattern = (y.scale(3) / under_arc).align_r()
And then use reflection to double the pattern.
pattern = (pattern + pattern.reflect_x()).align_b()
We can then rotate this to create the whole pattern. We set the fudge factor above to make the pattern connect.
part1 = inner_circle + rot_cycle(pattern.translate(0, width - 1), 12)
part1 = part1.line_color(gold).line_width(0.2)
Looks pretty close to the original!
Outer Bands¶
With the functions we have so far it is not so hard to do the rest of the main clock-face. The maink point worth noting is that we can build each part without needing to know the sizes of the others. This makes it easy to debug and update.
The first band is two circles with a black dots. Nothing new.
band1 = (circle(1.1).line_width(0.1) + circle(1)).line_width(0.2) + rot_cycle(
diamond.scale(0.05).translate(1.05, 0), 12
Band two has thin dividing lines and the hour markers from part 0. In order to fit in the numbers we write a function that lets us scale to a given circle.
def fit_in(b: Diagram, s: Diagram, frame=0.1) -> Diagram:
# Find the inner radius
m = min([x for x in b.get_trace()(origin, unit_x) if x > 0])
# Scale the inner diagram to that size
return b + s.scale_uniform_to_x(2 * m - frame)
We use this to put the numbers in a circle.
band2 = fit_in(circle(1.4), part0, 0.1) + circle(1)
We then draw thin lines in this region.
def thin_line(h):
return rectangle(h, 0.001).fill_color(black).center_xy().line_width(0.01)
lines = thin_line(0.4)
band2 = band2 + rot_cycle(lines.translate(1.2, 0), 48)
Band 3 has a little jewel cross. We can draw this with shapes.
diamond = rectangle(1, 1).rotate_by(1 / 8).fill_color(black).line_color(black)
s = (
(diamond | rectangle(2, 1).with_envelope(rectangle(1, 1)) | diamond)
s = s.scale_y(0.5) + s.rotate_by(0.25).scale_y(0.75).scale_x(0.25)
jewel = s.rotate_by(0.25)
Draw the outlines
a = 1.8
c = 1.7
b = 1.6
band3 = (
+ (circle(a) + circle(b)).line_width(0.3)
+ circle(1.4).line_width(0.4)
Add the thin lines and rounded rect tracks
track = rectangle(0.33, 0.001, 0.1).fill_color(black).center_xy().line_width(0.01)
band3 = (
+ rot_cycle(track.line_width(0.3).translate(c, 0), 60)
+ rot_cycle(thin_line(0.6).translate(c, 0).rotate_by(1 / 48), 48)
Add the jewel.
band3 = band3 + rot_cycle(
jewel.center_xy().scale_uniform_to_x((a - b) * 2).translate(0, c), 12
And voila.
part2 = fit_in(band3, fit_in(band2, band1))
Looks pretty close to the original!
The whole clock is surrounded by a thick gold frame with some ornamentation. We start with the outer box.
r = rectangle(1, 1).fill_color(black).line_color(gold).line_width(0.6)
Next we do each of the outer corners by themselves. We first make a sloping triangle shape using trails and arc_between.
corner = (
+ Trail.vrule(1).reflect_y().stroke()
+ arc_between((0, -1), (1, 0), -0.2)
Internally there is a little golden decoration. To make this we use the juxtapose
function which moves a diagram to be next to another along an angle.
decal = rectangle(2, 2).with_envelope(rectangle(0, 0)).fill_color(gold)
c = circle(1).fill_color(black)
decal = concat(
decal.juxtapose(c, unit_y),
decal.juxtapose(c, -unit_y),
decal.juxtapose(c, unit_x),
decal.juxtapose(c, -unit_x),
We then add a black circle behind it to emphasize details.
decal = decal.line_color(gold).line_width(0.2)
decal = circle(2).fill_color(black) + decal
To add the other shapes with we arc
which draws part of a circle.
disp = 20 # degrees
marc = arc(2 / 2, 0, 180 - disp)
decal = concat(
decal.juxtapose(marc, unit_x.rotate(90 + disp)),
decal.juxtapose(marc.rotate(-(90 + disp)), unit_x.rotate(-disp)),
We scale the decoration to fit in the corner we created.
fudge = 0.515
corner = corner.align_bl() + decal.scale_uniform_to_x(fudge).align_bl()
corner = corner.align_tr().translate(-0.4, 0.4).line_color(gold)
The corners are rotationally symmetric.
corner4 = rot_cycle(corner, 4)
Putting it together gives the outer frame.
inner = (
.scale_uniform_to_x(1 - 0.04)
part3 = fit_in(r, corner4, 0.05) + inner
Clock Hands¶
To make the clock hands we just trace a path. We make_path
and give it a list of coordinates. We then reflect since it is symmetric.
hand = (
make_path([(2, -0.5), (1, -0), (0.4, 20), (0, 21), (0, -1.5), (0.5, -1), (2, -0.5)], closed=True)
hand = (hand + hand.reflect_x()).translate(0, -4).line_width(0.1)
hand2 = make_path(
(1, 0),
(1, 7),
(2, 7),
(2.5, 8),
(2, 8.5),
(1, 9.5),
(0.3, 11),
(0, 12),
(0, 0),
(1, 0),
hand2 = (hand2 + hand2.reflect_x()).translate(0, -3).line_width(0.1).line_color(grey)
We then overlay them as in the picture at the right scales.
part4 = hand2.scale_uniform_to_y(0.5).rotate_by(0.07) + hand.scale_uniform_to_y(1.0)
All Together¶
Our final picture overlays each of the three parts using our fitting functions. Each part was done separately, but they all click together to make the final image.
final = (
+ fit_in(inner, (fit_in(part2, part1)), 0.0)
+ part4.scale_x(0.8).scale(0.55).rotate_by(0.10)
final.render_svg("chalk_bigben.svg", height=300)